Anyone wondering about acupuncture might be wary of what a bunch of tiny needles can do for the body. Despite their confusion, there are numerous levels of care delivered through the practice of acupuncture.
This post will help clear some of that up. Acupuncture is a great example of finding the source of relief and healing within the body rather than from external sources. It makes the body release naturally occurring chemicals and painkillers to ease pain and speed up healing.
With roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this healing technique has earned its place in the top tier of alternative health. It is now pushing even further into the mainstream with clinical studies supporting its benefits.
How exactly does acupuncture work?
This question typically comes with answers that include words like natural, self-healing, acupoints, and of course, needles.
Acupuncture allows blood and energy to keep flowing, thereby, stimulating function and triggering self-healing.
Modern medicine has acknowledged the effectiveness of acupuncture. Once a qualified acupuncturist determines where the precise acupoints on the body are, they can stimulate them with fine needles. All one has to do is lie or sit down and let the energy flow through them.
Benefits of Acupuncture
The benefits of acupuncture are numerous and undeniable. The procedure has become so mainstream that even insurance policies cover it now for pain relief.
Let's take a deeper look at just how beneficial acupuncture is to the body.
Acupuncture For Pain Relief
This is easily the most popular use for acupuncture. The mechanism here is rather straight-forward. The insertion of these fine needles into the acupoints relieve pain by releasing endorphins – hormones that trigger a positive feeling in the body. They also stimulate the brain to release serotonin for happiness.
Dramatic results are mostly seen in patients with diseases that result in chronic pain, especially those related to the nerves.
While acupuncture might not exactly cure diseases, it has been known to alleviate the symptoms (especially pain) of several conditions including:
- Menstrual cramps
- Pain for ulcers
- Headaches
- Knee pain
- Back pain
- Nausea sprains
- Tennis elbow
- Dental pain
- Postoperative pain
This shows that it will be well worth it to have an acupuncturist as part of a patient's medical team. That way, they can rest assured of a holistic approach to their healing process. This is especially excellent for athletes with sports-related injuries to reduce the need for painkillers.
Natural, Drug-Free Treatment
Opioid addiction is a huge concern among health care providers for patients with chronic pain. As part of a safe and effective option for pain control in such conditions or after surgery, acupuncture can offer an alternative to conventional pain reducers.
Acupuncture provides a non-addictive, healthier alternative to opioids. This reduces the chances of abuse or addiction.
One survey showed that family physicians who were trained in acupuncture prescribed fewer opioids than their counterparts and with good results. This is especially suited for people who cannot take another form of medication. Plus, it can be successfully combined with other treatments.
Additionally, it can be used to wean patients off opioids. And with acupuncture taking some of the pain away, they may be able to control their urges and have less of the terrible symptoms of withdrawal. It doesn't end there.
Researchers revealed that acupuncture before surgery could potentially reduce the need for opioids after surgery.
Boosts the immune system
The importance of a healthy immune system cannot be overemphasized. Especially now that there's a pandemic on the loose. Everybody should ensure their body's natural defense is top-notch.
Acupuncture works great here. It has significant effects on the immune system. It stimulates the production of the body's immune cells, thereby enhancing the immune system to protect the body against various pathogens and infections.
When it's not a few needles in someone's body, most pictures that depict acupuncture feature someone standing at the top of a mountain with their hands spread wide – the hallmark of high energy levels.
It's rather fitting since acupuncture plays such a huge role in boosting energy. It can calm Yang energy (a fast and hot energy) while stimulating the opposite Yin energy. This successfully manipulates the energy levels of the body, resulting in the restoration of an adequate energy level to keep the fatigue at bay.
Also, acupuncture works great against insomnia to promote better sleep. Adequate sleep and a well-rested body (and mind) help the body to conserve and restore energy. Ultimately, acupuncture can help to significantly increase one's energy levels.
To most people, the benefits of acupuncture end in pain relief. The great news is that it goes way beyond that. We see now that acupuncture improves sleep, increases energy, reduces stress levels, and boosts the immune system.
With all these in mind, one would be hard-pressed not to give acupuncture a try.
To get started or for more information, reach out to us at Rohnert Park Community Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine.